Lalor International Holdings Ltd, Dublin, Ireland - Call or Text: 00 353 86 814 6810 Email:
Lalor Direct Marketing and Knowledge Management
How Frank Lalor can benefit your organisation
Direct Marketing knowledge, experience & overview
Client and project experience
Irish and international recognition & awards
Irish and international foundation memberships
Major marketing seminars
Some thoughts on copy and content
A personal snapshot
Fees & remuneration alternatives
Get in touch with Frank Lalor

Fees & remuneration alternatives

I sell or trade my experience and my ability to minimise risk and maximise on bottom line success. It's as simple as that.

I benchmark my time on a fee of €200 per hour, plus VAT at 21%.

I prefer monthly fees with a time over-ride to hourly fees. Simply because I want to feel I belong and get inside the organisation I'm involved with, so I can get its pulse and do more for its objectives and ambitions in the long run.

I am indulgent with that time marker, preferring to get the job done 100% rather than cutting corners because of time dictates.

Third party costs and expenses are what they are - normal costs that are incurred in the course of my consultancy involvement.

If I do take on billing responsibility for third party product or related services, a handling fee will be agreed in advance.

Other performance, profit-sharing, partnership, part-ownership or percentage return deals could apply, given that the terms are fair to both parties.

A straightforward agreement when we've agreed terms would be drawn up and signed by both sides. So clarity and reason would prevail.

Then we'd get down to the business of enjoyably making things work!


Lalor International Holdings Limited, Dublin, Ireland
Email: Call or text: 00 353 86 814 6810